Marco Jojo Stories Cafe

Marco,一个在新加坡拥有15年烹饪经验的资深厨师,回国后在热情洋溢的创业激情中,开了一家名为"Marco Jojo Stories"的餐厅。这里的厨师团队拥有着丰富的国际烹饪经验和精湛的手艺,带给每一位顾客最美味的美食享受。而他的师傅,则是曾在新加坡文华酒店担任五星级鸡饭大师傅的传奇人物,是他的导师和灵感来源。店内主打海南鸡饭,不仅色香味俱佳,更是令人回味无穷。此外,餐厅还提供各类主食,包括西餐等,让每位顾客都能在这里享受到自己钟爱的美食。
在"Marco Jojo Stories",我们相信食材的质量和新鲜度是制作美食的基础。因此,我们只选择最新鲜、最优质的食材,并在制作过程中细心呵护,以呈现出最好的口感和营养价值。我们的厨师团队不断探索、创新,将传统的制作工艺与现代化的技术结合,用心制作出一道道充满创意和惊喜的美食佳肴。
除了美食外,"Marco Jojo Stories"也是一个充满故事和情感的地方。我们的餐厅不仅提供美食,更是一个交流、分享和品味生活的场所。我们的名字中的"Stories"寓意着每一个顾客都有着独特的故事和人生经历,我们期待为每一位顾客带来更多的美好回忆和故事。
无论是和家人朋友一起用餐,还是与客户商务会晤,"Marco Jojo Stories"都是您的理想之选。我们的用餐环境优雅舒适,服务周到热情,让您在这里感受到家一般的温馨和舒适。我们诚挚地欢迎您的光临,一起品味美食,分享故事,创造美好回忆。
欢迎来到"Marco Jojo Stories",我们期待着为您带来一次难忘的用餐体验。
Marco, has been a chef in Singapore for 15 years. Now, have returned to home country and opened a restaurant named "Marco Jojo Stories." My mentor was a former five-star chicken rice chef at the Singapore Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Our restaurant's signature dish is Hainanese chicken rice, and we also offer a variety of main courses, including Western cuisine.
At "Marco Jojo Stories," we believe that the quality and freshness of ingredients are the foundation of making delicious food. Therefore, we only select the freshest and highest quality ingredients and take care during the cooking process to present the best taste and nutritional value. Our team of chefs continually explores and innovates, combining traditional cooking techniques with modern technology to create creative and surprising culinary dishes.
In addition to our delicious food, "Marco Jojo Stories" is also a place full of stories and emotions. Our restaurant not only provides food but is also a place for communication, sharing, and enjoying life. The "Stories" in our name symbolize that every customer has unique stories and life experiences, and we hope to bring more beautiful memories and stories to each customer.
Whether dining with family and friends or meeting with clients, "Marco Jojo Stories" is the ideal choice. Our dining environment is elegant and comfortable, and our service is thoughtful and enthusiastic, making you feel the warmth and comfort of home. We sincerely welcome your visit to join us in savoring delicious food, sharing stories, and creating beautiful memories.
Business Operating Hours
Mon- Sun 11.00am - 9.00pm (Tuesday close)