The Sound of History: The Inheritance and Development of the 24 Festive Drums

The Twenty-Four Festive Drums is a drum performance that combines the Twenty-Four Solar Terms, calligraphy, and Guangdong lion drum, which was co-founded by Malaysian Chinese Chen Huichong and Tan Chai Puan in 1988 and became a national heritage project in Malaysia in 2009.

The Sound of History: The Inheritance and Development of the 24 Festive Drums

The Twenty-Four Festive Drums is a drum performance that combines the Twenty-Four Solar Terms, calligraphy, and Guangdong lion drum, which was co-founded by Malaysian Chinese Chen Huichong and Tan Chai Puan in 1988 and became a national heritage project in Malaysia in 2009.

Photo Credit: 南洋商报

The Twenty-four Solar Terms Drum originated from the Chinese Dance Festival held in Johor Bahru in April 1988 by the Johor Bahru Chinese Association. The theme of the dance festival, "Nine Dances," represented the ninth Chinese Dance Festival and also echoed the meaning of "Chuci·Jiuge," "Ancient has nine songs, now has nine dances." Poet Mr. Tan Chai Puan proposed using nine-faced lion drum sets to convey the festive atmosphere at the opening ceremony and together with others created "Jiu Gu Lei Ming" as the drum score for the opening ceremony.

Mr. Tan Chai Puan was inspired to decorate the twenty-four-faced single-skinned drum with calligraphy art of the twenty-four solar terms and to use each drum face to represent a solar term, forming a performance concept of the integration of heaven, earth, and humanity. The same year, the two jointly established the Twenty-four Solar Terms Drum.

Photo Credit: Travellution 畅游行

The world's first Twenty-four Solar Terms Drum team was established at Foon Yew High School in Johor Bahru by the Johor Bahru Chinese Association and the sponsorship of the five major associations in Chaozhou, Fujian, Hakka, Guangdong, and Hainan. On February 14, 2009, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of Malaysia announced that the Twenty-four Solar Terms Drum was one of the intangible cultural heritage of Malaysia's national heritage.

Photo Credit:

The performance form of the Twenty-four Solar Terms Drum is to use twenty-four-faced single-skinned drums to represent the twenty-four solar terms, which are the Start of Spring, Rain Water, Awaken Insects, Vernal Equinox, Pure Brightness, Grain Rain, Start of Summer, Grain Full, Grain in Ear, Summer Solstice, Slight Heat, Great Heat, Start of Autumn, Limit of Heat, White Dew, Autumnal Equinox, Cold Dew, Frost's Descent, Start of Winter, Slight Snow, Great Snow, Winter Solstice, Slight Cold, and Great Cold. Performers create different drum beats for each solar term drum, accompanied by shouting, body movements, and changes in formation, forming a large drum array performance.

Photo Credit:

Do you want to see the performance of the 24 Festive Drums? Now you have this rare opportunity. The Drum up JB performance will definitely shock the whole audience and make you feel surrounded by the sound of drums and their story performance.

Hurry up and buy tickets through the link below and learn more details!

Get your tickets for the opening shows in Jan 2023! 

Opening shows: 7 January 2023, 8pm; 8 January 2023, 3pm



Our Awesome partners

Initiative By ITEA Technology
Programme By Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA)
Supported By Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru (MBJB)
Strategic Platform